September 27, 2017

Maternity replacements - 9 different outfits

I just learned how to do some things in SimPE...
After many many attempts (and fails) I finally did my first defaults ever. 
I always used defaults for basegame maternity outfits. Then I saw an idea to have different outfit for each colour. As I love variety in the game, I was happy about it. Options I found were great but they weren't exactly what I wanted, so... yay for my first set of maternity replacements!

No in-game previews, sorry, I forgot... but outfits look and work fine :)

It wasn't easy to pick only nine outfits, so I ended up with these.
Maybe someday I'll make another set.
I hope some of you will like my choices as well.

Replacements for afmaternityshirtpants
CREDITS: DeeDee, vimpse, SerenityFalls, xSayuri for outfits
SPECIAL THANKS: Mooglesims and Marja for tutorials and inspiration

Remember - this is a default file, you can only have one default file per item; remove any other replacements you have for these outfits before installing these ones

Let me know if something... enjoy ♥



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