December 17, 2018

Maternity replacements - 9 different outfits (part II)

As you can see, I used three pieces of outfits twice in total, each time in a different color. This is because they are my favorite and I like those dresses on pregnant simmies.

These were made for personal use initially, but then I said to myself, why not share? 
Somebody might like it.

in-game preview

bodyshop preview

Replacements for afmaternityshirtpants

CREDITS: DeeDee, Mel, Hayley for outfits
SPECIAL THANKS: Mooglesims, Marja for tutorials and inspiration

Remember - this is a default file, you can only have one default file per item; remove any other replacements you have for these outfits before installing these ones

Let me know if something... enjoy ♥



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